To understand more about the services associated with these pricing plans, visit our Services Page.

Our Pricing Approach

At Finova Consulting, we recognize the uniqueness of every business. This understanding shapes our approach to pricing for Investment Readiness and Fundraising Strategy Services, ensuring that our solutions are as dynamic and individualized as your business needs.

Tailored to Your Needs

Customized Solutions:

Your business is unique, and so are your needs. We don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. Our Investment Readiness and Fundraising Strategy Services are meticulously tailored to align with your specific business dynamics and objectives.

Flexible Pricing Structure:

We stand for transparency and flexibility in our pricing. The cost of our services is determined by the scope and complexity of the tasks at hand. We collaborate closely with you to understand your needs and provide a clear, customized pricing structure that mirrors the value and depth of our services.

Diverse Pricing Models

To accommodate the diverse needs of our clients, we offer various pricing arrangements:

  • Fixed Price Engagement Model:

Ideal for projects with well-defined scopes where we agree on a set price for the entire project.

  • Retainership Model:

Suitable for ongoing advisory roles, this model involves a fixed monthly fee for a bundle of services tailored to your continuous needs.

  • Success Fee Model:

Aligned with your success, this model is based on achieving specific milestones or outcomes, ensuring our goals are perfectly aligned with yours.

  • Per Diem Model:

For ad hoc consulting needs, we charge a rate of $50 per hour, providing flexibility and scalability to suit your varying requirements.

How We Determine Pricing

  • Understanding Your Business:

Our engagement begins with a deep dive into your business, market position, and fundraising aspirations. This initial consultation is crucial in understanding the level of support and resources necessary to fulfil your goals.

  • Scope of Services:

We then outline the services that best meet your needs, ranging from crafting a comprehensive investment strategy to preparing detailed financial models and persuasive pitch decks.

  • Custom Quote:

Upon defining the scope, we furnish a personalized quote that reflects the unique nature of our services, aimed at providing clarity and predictability in pricing.

What’s Included

Our services encompass a comprehensive suite of offerings designed to boost your investment readiness. This includes, but is not limited to, market analysis, financial modeling, pitch deck creation, and due diligence preparation. Each project is undertaken with the highest level of attention to detail and a steadfast commitment to your success.

Schedule a Consultation

To gain a clearer understanding of how we can assist you and to receive a tailored quote, we invite you to schedule a consultation with us. This no-obligation session is your first step towards making your business investment-ready.

Schedule Now


Our pricing is tailored to complement the diverse range of services we offer. To explore our services in detail, head over to our Services Page.