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Accounting Advisory

Ensuring Regulatory Adherence and Financial Clarity for Tech Startups

In the landscape of evolving accounting standards and compliance complexities, ensuring accounting accuracy and meeting disclosure requirements poses a challenge for tech startups. At Finova Consulting, we offer specialized services tailored to address these intricate accounting needs for startups operating in India.

Challenges in Accounting Compliance:

1. Complex Accounting Requirements: Meeting intricate accounting standards often leads to challenges in fulfilling compliance and disclosure obligations.

2. IND-AS Compliance: Adhering to the transaction-based analysis required by IND-AS (Indian Accounting Standards) further complicates accounting procedures for startups.

Our Comprehensive Solution:

We specialize in providing Retainership Services, offering extensive accounting advisory for startups, including:

1. Accounting Advisory Expertise: Our team assists with complex accounting issues such as intangible asset valuation, impairments, financial instruments measurement, lease accounting, and setting up revenue recognition policies as per IFRS-15/ IND-AS 115.

2. Compliance Preparation: We ensure preparation of financial statements in compliance with Companies Act and IND-AS regulations, going beyond the traditional auditor’s role to actively collaborate with your team in providing solutions and setting up a robust financial reporting framework.

Addressing Compliance and Reporting Challenges:

Our services extend beyond merely identifying issues. We work alongside your team, offering solutions and establishing a sound financial reporting framework that meets the needs of auditors, management, and investors. Worried about reconciling MIS and KPI reporting with audited financials? Our system setup ensures stakeholders can identify discrepancies, enhancing transparency and credibility.

Schedule a Non-Commitment Call Today:

Ready to enhance the quality of your financial reporting, boost investor confidence, and alleviate regulatory compliance worries? Connect with our team to schedule a non-commitment call. Discover how our Accounting Compliance Services can save you time, provide clarity in financial reporting, and ensure proactive preparation for regulatory requirements.